Mysql – Querying for type breakdown based on COUNT results
I have the following table <state_table> that tracks entries per minute of an id and its state: minute id type ------ -- ---- 1 A solid 1 A solid 1 A solid 1 A liquid 1 B solid 1 B…
I have the following table <state_table> that tracks entries per minute of an id and its state: minute id type ------ -- ---- 1 A solid 1 A solid 1 A solid 1 A liquid 1 B solid 1 B…
I have wondered about my current database design I made for my uni organization website. In general this website is for displaying informations and events. The event is different for each departement. It does some normal things like displaying event,…
Question: List the name of the team and number of wins of all teams that had more wins than the average team had. Order results by descending number of wins. SELECT, mlb_team.wins, AVG(mlb_team.wins) FROM mlb_team GROUP BY HAVING…
I created a Springboot application using After adding some initial application properties for spring-data-jpa, the application starts fine however, I do not see any tables created in my local database. To test this further, I provided incorrect credentials in…
I want to add "/invent" at the beginning of the file path in the invImage and invThumbnail columns. This is what I have in mind, SELECT FROM inventory SELECT CONCAT("/invent") AS invImage, invThumbnail; Since it is not easy to undo…
I have these tables which are not related at all: Books Apps Cars Id Views Id Views Id Views ------------ ------------ ------------ 1 3 4 5 11 10 2 4 5 100 13 3 3 3 6 5 15 7…
I have an XML as: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <products currency="EUR"> <product id="457654754" vat="13.0"> <price gross="0.09" net="0.07"/> <sizes> <size id="0" name="gfdgfdgfdg" panel_name="dfgfdgfdgfd" code_producer="fgdfgfdg" iaiext:code_external="457547547547" code="354643643643" weight="4" iaiext:weight_net="10" > <stock id="1" quantity="333"/> </size> </sizes> </product> </products> when I parse it as: <?php…
I have problem cant exist catogaries : I want chek if the catogary is add before or not please i need help I have problem cant exist catogaries : I want chek if the catogary is add before or not…
DB::table('visitors') ->join('event_visitor', '', '=', 'event_visitor.visitor_id')->where('sex', 0) ->where('event_visitor.event_id', 1) ->count(); this is the query to get the count of men at the visitor's table with an event id of 1 I want to get the record count of men women and…
I'm trying to create a REGEXP pattern that will check if a string contains a set of numbers separated by a space. I have tried the 4 statements below. They all return 0. What am I doing wrong? Thanks. SELECT…