error in mysql & after installed Laravel in docker
I installed successfully install Bitnami/Laravel how to use MySQL in Docker? I run localhost:3306 but it's not running any ideas
I installed successfully install Bitnami/Laravel how to use MySQL in Docker? I run localhost:3306 but it's not running any ideas
Using either a SQL query, or some php code, how can I determine which version of MySQL is running. I found several examples of using the command line, but I need to check programmatically. I tried SELECT @version; But that…
I am trying to make an image that uses the MySQL image as its base and I want to create a database (and some other stuff) once I know the server is up. I have a bootstrap script as my…
I had watched a series of tutorials online and had followed lot of steps. I had to change my IP address to my machine IP, but yet network error. even, I had to change it to Am just so…
I have following SQL query: SELECT tbltasks.fldTaskNr ,tbltasks.fldRITMNr ,tbltasks.fldCHGNr ,tblci.fldCI ,tblgxp.fldGxP ,tblrequester.fldRequester ,tblstatus.fldStatus ,tbltasks.fldDescription ,tblresponsible.fldResponsible ,tbllocation.fldLocation FROM tbltasks LEFT JOIN tblCI ON tblci.pkCI = tbltasks.fkCI LEFT JOIN tblgxp ON tblgxp.pkGxP = tbltasks.fkGxP LEFT JOIN tblrequester ON tblrequester.pkRequester = tbltasks.fkRequester LEFT…
MySQL statement on a school system I have created some years back was working fine but now takes close to 30 seconds to pull what appears to me a simple statement but cannot figure out how to improve it. I…
I have wrote a simple program which uses MySQL db server of XAMPP. Program works fine when I connect to 'localhost': But when I try connect a MySQL db from another computer (in my LAN): it gives below error: But…
I am getting this message nc command is missing and by doing some R&D, I got to know that in order to resolve this, (I think) I need to run below command in MySQL container in docker-compose RUN apt-get -q…
How do I append a character to all items `purchase_id' here is a manual example of what I want... SELECT * FROM `loadable_link` WHERE `product_sku` = '2101-R' ORDER BY `customer_id` DESC Then select from purchased_id and append a '0' to…
I want to install Wordpress Locally with XAMPP but run into a critical error during the second step of the installation. I'm following the easy steps on this guide. As you can see here, I've made a database called "webshop":…