How to repair corrupted table 'global_priv' in localhost xampp – Phpmyadmin
I encountered a problem in my xampp phpmyadmin i search for it but didn't find solution here is a screenshot of it.
I encountered a problem in my xampp phpmyadmin i search for it but didn't find solution here is a screenshot of it.
I'm getting the following error message while running my Django REST project with MySQL database in pipenv. raise ImproperlyConfigured( django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading MySQLdb module. Did you install mysqlclient? This seems like a very common problem (please don't mark as duplication),…
I have a function that is designed to copy a product with all attributes with help of sql querys. My problem is to return new_product_id to php after completion. If i run sql script in phpmyadmin all is working. If…
I have a table, with string on one of the columns, the format of the string is ISO 8601 (with TZ). When I'm trying to run the following query: select * from `orders` where STR_TO_DATE('last_ship_date', '%Y-%m-%dT%TZ') >= STR_TO_DATE('2020-06-27 21:13:14', '%Y-%m-%d…
I have the following Ajax Code for submitting data to Mysql DB. <script> var amountdue; var amount; $('#btn-submit').on('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if ($("#customer").validationEngine('validate')) { swal({ title: "Submit Confirmation", text: "Are you sure to submit the data?", type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#126495",…
I have a Laravel Spark project that uses Horizon to manage a job queue with Redis. Locally, (on my Homestead box, Mac OS) everything works as expected, but on our new Digital Ocean (Forge provisioned) Droplet, which is a memory-optimized…
I wanted to run a query where I will get all the fields where one field is unique.I tried this Select * from announcements where title = SELECT distinct title FROM announcements; But it's not working. Can anyone please help…
I am using phpmyadmin for mysql databse. import csv import MySQLdb import pymysql db = pymysql.connect( host="", port=3308, user="root", passwd="", db="database_name" ) cursor = db.cursor() csv_data = csv.reader(r'E:py_docsfile101.csv') next(csv_data) for row in csv_data: cursor.execute('INSERT INTO table_name(A, B, C, D, E,…
I ran sudo apt-get install mysql-client and it installed correctly. Then I ran mysql_config_editor print and I got mysql_config_editor: not found mysql_config_editor does not show up in /usr/bin like I expect it to, and like it does on my other…
everyone. I can't remember my PHPMyAdmin root password in bitnami. I use Amazon Web Server. I have searched in Google but I can't anything.