C# SQL database access – Phpmyadmin
I need your help. I'm trying to get into servers on my own. I was searching yesterday about it a bit, I saw one code here and also tried one from a YT video. Not exactly sure what I'm doing.…
I need your help. I'm trying to get into servers on my own. I was searching yesterday about it a bit, I saw one code here and also tried one from a YT video. Not exactly sure what I'm doing.…
I inherited a web task. I do not have the admin password and trying to change it in the backend via phpmyadmin. The error I get is: Incorrect password error for user admin Error: in wp-config, i see the following…
Using mysql, in a post table I use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP to store the date_time of publication. Everything was ok when I was working on wampserver on local. But I hosted my site yesterday on a server located in France, 2 hours…
So I have this sql preparted statment: SELECT carName, modelName FROM cars INNER JOIN model ON cars.idCar = model.idCar WHERE carName IN (?)` $input = " 'toyota','honda' " I am trying to put this into the sql statment, but it…
I tried to execute the query, but the result was null, I executed the same query in PhpMyAdmin and returns the result. The problem is when the query contains SELECT inside another SELECT statement (imbricate), so when the query contains…
I have a table containing 100's of entries - I have since after import, updated the columns to include a timestamp. The data is given to me by XMl and imported into DB I have 3 columns in the data.…
Hello i need help my code and database is working 100% fine on localhost but when i upload website on hosting server php is not updating database. on localhost its working completely fine. my code support php version 5.6 so…
I got a while loop, and inside that loop i got another while loop that i only want to run after button.click My javascript code inside profile.php: $('.commentbtn').click(function() { $.ajax({ url: 'includes/functions.inc.php', type: 'GET', data: { 'offset': 0, 'limit': 3…
I accidentally created a database symfony-project successfully, but it's not appearing on my phpmyadmin page. I want to drop the database with php bin/console doctrine:database:drop --force then this message comes out Could not drop database symfony-project for connection named default…
I have this statement: UPDATE `tblAllocatedLeads` SET tblAllocatedLeads.fldAllocatedStatus = CASE WHEN tblAllocatedLeads.fldAllocatedStatus = 'Allocated' AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM `tblAllocatedLeads`) AS tblallocate WHERE AND tblallocate.fldAllocatedLeadId = tblAllocatedLeads.fldAllocatedLeadId) > 1 THEN 'Outstanding' END What I wanted is that update…