What is the difference between installing Xampp and MySql? – Phpmyadmin
So I discovered that when you install Xampp you get mysql and phpmyadmin but if I download them individually what's the difference?
So I discovered that when you install Xampp you get mysql and phpmyadmin but if I download them individually what's the difference?
Summary I want to check if any values in my array are in a database and if not then add them in? I'm programming in node.js and have a ".js" script that parses data from an HTML file and adds…
I'm trying to configure jira on a CentOS 7 virtual machine. I managed to launch Jira's docker image without any problems with a docker-compose : jira: image: 'cptactionhank/atlassian-jira-software:latest' container_name: jira restart: unless-stopped healthcheck: disable: true volumes: - '/var/atlassian/jira:/var/atlassian/jira' I also…
I've declared 2 string variables: string fname; string lname; When i wrote MySQL query in phpMyAdmin database: SELECT workers.FNAME, workers.LNAME FROM project1.workers INNER JOIN project1.order_status ON workers.ID_WORKER = order_status.ID_WORKER INNER JOIN project1.orders ON orders.ID_ORDER = order_status.ID_ORDER WHERE orders.ORDER_NUMBER = 'TEST'…
When loading docker-compose up, wordpress loads on the url but the mysqli_connect function is undefined because of the absence of the extension. I have tried to add the following under the fpm image command: "docker-php-ext-install mysqli" I have tried to…
So basically I need to get people where their skill = 'Python' and skill='Javascript' however I am getting an empty set when I run this query: SELECT uid FROM personal_hard_skills WHERE (skill='Python' AND level >) AND skill='Javascript'; I searched the…
(Just in case this is an XY problem): I need to export a really big table (85M rows), I don't have SSH access. And neither PhpMyAdmin nor SQLYog (remote connecction) are working fine (they export just a 3% of my…
I've executed the copy table operation from PhpMyAdmin and it is taking too long (big table), and now the original and new table are not responding (I can browse the other tables in PhpMyAdmin) I think because maybe there is…
So I am currently learning react and webpack so that I can implement it into my current site. I already have an established phpmyadmin database that pumps out information that I want to appear on my site but I cant…
Previously I performed the migration of my database from one directory to another within the server itself (/var/lib/mysql to /mnt/mysql) for lack of space. When starting the server again, after having changed the /etc/my.cnf with the correct directory it returns…