how to write this query in laravel – SEO
I have two tables 1. menu id - menu_name - menu_url 1 - Home - index 2 - About - about 3 - Services - 4 - Contact - contact 2. submenu id - menu_name - submenu_name 1 - Services…
I have two tables 1. menu id - menu_name - menu_url 1 - Home - index 2 - About - about 3 - Services - 4 - Contact - contact 2. submenu id - menu_name - submenu_name 1 - Services…
So basically, i'm trying to learn how to use XAMPP to make a php server with MySQL. When I try to start it however, the start button doesn't work. The button is greyed out for some reason. An image of…
I am creating a webproject..I have configured the jdbc realm for this..I need to connect the java servlet to mysql database.. private static String JDBC_DRIVER = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", DB_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/chat", USER = "root", PASS = "public"; @OnMessage public void onMessage(String…
I have developed a laravel app and host it to my private server using WinSCP. But when I hit myurl it's showing me The stream or file "/var/www/html/vesMain/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened: failed to open stream: Permission denied and if…
The similar questions has already been asked, but my question is quite different with some research done over it. On signing up to a website, I provide FirstName: Ajay, LastName: Kumar Now the backend API need to create a unique-Id…
I'm trying to get Emoncms working on a shared hosting MediaTemple web server with verified prerequisites like mod_rewrite and LAMP server. I've created the database with user and password, configured the settings.php to the best of my ability. / -…
I have a mysql server running locally on port 3307, which I can connect to just fine through command line mysql -P 3307 -h -u root -p In order to access this database through phpmyadmin, I changed these settings…
I need to get a list of ordered physical items to ship from the database. The list need to consist of name, sku, quantity, price, weight, and dimensions. How can we fo this without using Magento's own framework components. The…
I am able to login with mysql -u root -p but not with mysql -u root@localhost -p It says ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root@localhost'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
I have no idea how Windows Server works. All I want to do is gain access to a database in mySQL on Windows Server. Is there a phpmyadmin like there is on Cpanel? I have no idea where to go.…