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Jquery – How can I show/hide a DIV after selecting a SELECT option from the database?

This is the code for Select options: <div class="modal-body row"> <form role="form" action="patient/addNew" class="clearfix" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="form-group col-md-6"> <label for="exampleInputEmail1"><?php echo lang('categorie'); ?></label> <select class="form-control m-bot15" name="categorie" value='' id="p_category"> <option value="#"> Sélectionner catégorie</option> <?php foreach ($categories as $category) {…


Mysql – SQL: compare one value with whole column if the value available anywhere in the same column. give a name to every value comes between those 2 values

created_date rake_device rounded_geo_lat rounded_geo_lng idle_or_moving new_idle_moving 08-01-2024 11:27 a-b 28.29 76.39 idle idle 08-01-2024 10:27 a-b 28.29 76.39 idle idle 08-01-2024 09:27 a-b 28.29 76.39 idle idle 08-01-2024 08:27 a-b 28.29 76.39 idle idle 08-01-2024 07:27 a-b 28.29 76.39 idle…


Laravel – How To Distinct By Year and GroupBy Category On Same Query?

I want to make a result from query after distinct and groupby This is My Code $results = DB::table('dokumen') ->join('pengadaan', 'dokumen.id_jenis_pengadaan', '=', '') ->select( DB::raw('COUNT(nama_paket) AS jml'), DB::raw('jenis_pengadaan as jenis_pengadaan'), DB::raw('tahun as tahun') ) ->groupBy('jenis_pengadaan', 'tahun') ->orderBy('tahun') ->get(); $hasil =…

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