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Docker – How to include .png files in Quarkus build

I have .png files in src/main/resources that I want to access on my deployed Quarkus app, but when I use Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("image.png") it points me to the jar file. io.vertx.core.file.FileSystemException: Unable to open file at path '/file:/deployments/app/app-api-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!/image.png' However, when I use…


Flutter native splash screen keep showing default splash

I have added the flutter_native_splash package inside my depoendancies and have added this native_splash code in my pubspec.yaml file flutter_native_splash: ^2.4.0 flutter_native_splash: color: "#FFFFFF" image: assets/images/Logo.png android_12: color: "#FFFFFF" image: assets/images/Logo.png android: true ios: true web: false and the results…


Redis – Spring boot native image can not serialize protobuf object

I have a method @Cacheable(value = USER_IDENTITIES_PROTO_CACHE) public UserIdentitiesResponseOuterClass.UserIdentitiesResponse findUserIdentitiesProto(UUID userId) { where UserIdentitiesResponseOuterClass.UserIdentitiesResponse is a class generated by protobuff. When using JVM everything works well but in the native image I am getting the exception "Failure putting into cache:…

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