Html – Make navbar with 4 columns
i want to have 4 columns in my navbar like shown in the picture: And the text inside the boxes should be centered, like in the middle of the box. Its importent that thy're boxes so that i can apply…
i want to have 4 columns in my navbar like shown in the picture: And the text inside the boxes should be centered, like in the middle of the box. Its importent that thy're boxes so that i can apply…
I have an HTML Navbar, and I want to shift all the elements in the navbar to the right. Below, I have attempted to use float: right; to do so. Although this does move everything to the right, it flips…
I am struggling with the following, could you please help? I want the logos to be aligned next to each other to the left and the links aligned next to each other to the : [Logo1] [Logo2] [Logo3] (spaceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) [Link1]…
My I bootstrap 5 navbar only goes as wide as the contents. I would like it to expand the length of the container. It doesn't change when I change the navbar-expand-?? setting. <div class="container p-3 my-3 bg-primary text-white"> <h1>Pets to…
Finished my navbar on PC and shared the code to my iPhone to view in both landscape and portrait. In the landscape, the navbar was overflowing on the right side. Added env(safe-area-inset) values for non-obstruction purposes view, but overflowed on…
The .div class="main" is starting behind the .div class="header", which is supposed to be a fixed nav bar. I even tried adding a margin-top to the .main and it instead pushes everything down. I am new to coding so please…
Fixed-Top navbar is blocking the top content of the page in mobile screen but not on pc screen. Once I reduce the browser width to mobile screen my navbar is covering the top content of my body... <nav class="navbar fixed-top…
`//My HTML code <div> <div className="picbot">PicBot</div> <ul className="navbarlist"> <li>Overview</li>`your text` <li>Examples</li> <li>Tour</li> <li>Blog</li> <li>Help</li> </ul> <button className="download">Download</button> </div>` // My CSS code .navbarlist { list-style: none; display: inline-flex; flex-direction: row; color: rgb(192, 190, 190); font-size: 18px; font-weight: 600; justify-content: space-between;…
I want to move the search icon and search input at the end of the navbar. I'm using Bootstrap 5.0.2 IDK how to move the icon and search box at the end as I'm new to Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS…
I am having trouble with a navbar when it's on tablet and mobile size. When I click on the dropdown button I need it to take up the whole page. Basically it has to take up the whole height when…