PHP/Ajax page navigation url change – Jquery
Ik want to build a ajax/jquery page navigation so when the user clicks on a page, the url changes to so that there are no problems with browser's back button. I found a lot of answers for this but not…
Ik want to build a ajax/jquery page navigation so when the user clicks on a page, the url changes to so that there are no problems with browser's back button. I found a lot of answers for this but not…
In my project i am setting up go_router navigation and it works great for navigate, but i found two issues in two cases which i am mentioning below. Not found a proper way to pass result in previous page I…
I am trying to implement a bottomNavigationBar that goes to different pages. So far, I have made the bulk of everything, which you can see in my code below. Here is my bottomNavigationBar code in navBar.dart: // ignore: file_names import…
I have a problem depending the Navigator setup that is used with Version 5 of React Navigation. Here is my Code: import React from "react"; import { LogBox, Platform, TouchableOpacity } from "react-native"; import { NavigationContainer } from "@react-navigation/native"; import…
i want to ask how do i navigate tabs inside the DefaultTab, i have DefaultTabController Page that i name it OrderList inside OrderList i have 3 different tab which Progress,Complete and Cancel when i click button i want to navigate…
I am using flutter. I would like to navigate between pages of bottom nav-bar from inside the body of page. Not to create a new screen on top of it. And carry data between pages. I am using classic bottom…
I have a single activity app that uses navigation graph and a navigation drawer to go to some of the fragments. Pressing back from each of the fragments usually brings me back to the main fragment, UNLESS I turn the…
When I tap on a button I want to navigate to the second screen Focus on TextField(there is only one) and raise a keyboard. I successfully focused when I taped on a widget on the same screen using FocusNode.
Im working on a new social media app and Im having and issue with my navigation code. Once a user fills out the registration form I want them to be prompted to upload the profile picture. The issue I am…
I have made a Main Navigator in which I have made 2 sub navigators: This is my MainNavigator: import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react'; import {createStackNavigator} from '@react-navigation/stack'; import storage from '../services/storage'; import {useDispatch, useSelector} from 'react-redux'; import {setUser} from…