Javascript – How to build a nestjs reminder function
In nestjs i have a POST api to add a Date object which is the date and time to send a notification to mobile app. So i need to check for all users, which all reminders are reached so that…
In nestjs i have a POST api to add a Date object which is the date and time to send a notification to mobile app. So i need to check for all users, which all reminders are reached so that…
I'm trying to implement express-session package along with connect-redis for session storage in my NestJS backend, but i got such an error as follows. I even changed the client inside the store to RedisClient, which is injection token declared in…
import { Controller, Post, UploadedFile, Get, Param, Res, UseInterceptors, StreamableFile, Header } from '@nestjs/common'; import { FileInterceptor } from '@nestjs/platform-express'; import { Response } from 'express'; import { createReadStream } from 'fs'; import { join } from 'path'; @Controller() export…
I want to start working with NestJs. But the first question comes into mind that what problem resolve NestJS. I know NestJs is framework and express is library when i search article to find the difference between Nest and Express…
The below code is to get the user list associated with particular id and this service.ts file. async getId(id:number){ //below code will give us participants list based on id let participants = await this.participantRepo.findById(id) //here I am looping each participant…
I have back-end server in nestjs with postgres and typeorm. The application is for small business for customize products in which admin can have products with basic info i.e name, description, cost, weight etc. In this business requirements, cost is…
Are there any more elegant ways to use Drizzle ORM in Nest.js besides the providers? For example like in Prisma with PrismaService, all I found is only with providers like: import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import { ConfigService }…
I am trying to figure out how to get my nginx config setup to allow connections from my react client to my node backend that is using NestJS Gateways. Both the client and the backend are running inside their…
I have create a microService for shearing Proto files (server). and i have module and service for calling this. now in my (client), i want to call that microservice as soon as my application started. I already use onApplicationBootstrap() in…
I am trying to deploy a nestjs application on a monorepo to GCD CI/CD "Cloud Build API". I pushed the images to Artifact Registry successfully. My cloudbuild.yaml file looks like below: steps: - name: '' args: [ 'build', '-t', '',…