How to create a Dockerfile – C# + Playwright
I'm facing an issue I'm not getting why and how to solve it. Can you help, or give me some hints to figure out what's wrong with my Dockerfile? code so far: # Official .NET SDK image to build and…
I'm facing an issue I'm not getting why and how to solve it. Can you help, or give me some hints to figure out what's wrong with my Dockerfile? code so far: # Official .NET SDK image to build and…
I have this container running on my localhost:5005 docker: It was created with: docker run --name mtg-redis -p 5005:6379 -d redis I have my .NET application running on localhost:5002 Docker Compose: version: '3.4' services: mtgmvc: image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}mtgmvc build: context: .…
I have an F1-tier ASP with a single Web App, and I'm trying to deploy to that web app using a GH Actions workflow. The workflow itself is pretty cookie-cutter; it uses the Deploy a .NET Core app to an…
I'm using portal to import JSON file which contains key-value pairs. Need help in importing key-valult references. I prepare a json file like { AppSettings: { "testKey": "testValue", "testSecrete": "<akv-Reference-TestSecreteKey>" } } what should I add in place "akv-Reference-TestSecreteKey", so…
I need to display the datetime received in CET to the local time of user by using javascript in a .NET MVC application. How can this be done? <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Date</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td data-utc-time="@item.ScheduledTime?.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o")">@item.ScheduledTime.HasValue ? item.ScheduledTime.Value.ToUniversalTime()…
I work with a class that comes from a Nuget package, and therefore I can't add properties to it. Imagine this class: public class Base { public Data Data { get; set; } // Many other properties.. } public class…
I am trying to run Mongo in Docker by using Testcontainers in dotnet. I don't have any issue when I use following code: Container = new MongoDbBuilder() .WithPortBinding("27017") .Build(); But with this default MongoDbBuilder I can not run it as…
I have the following data Partition key Sort key value aa str1 1 aa str2 123 aa str3 122 ab str1 12 ab str3 111 ac str1 112 And by using QueryRequest I want to select entries where the partition…
So, I'm working on a C# and .NET Windows Forms project using Visual Studios 2022. The project contains three different forms, but for this forum post, we'll only be talking about the first two forms. The first form is called…
I am new to Microsoft Graph and I want to use it to read and move email messages. This is my C# code: static async Task Main(string[] args) { var scopes = new[] { "" } var tenantId = args[0];…