– How can I upload picture
This is my post dto public class ActorDto { public string Name { get; set; } public string Surname { get; set; } public string ImdbLink { get; set; } public IFormFile Image { get; set; } } This is…
This is my post dto public class ActorDto { public string Name { get; set; } public string Surname { get; set; } public string ImdbLink { get; set; } public IFormFile Image { get; set; } } This is…
I am using Azure Identity client SDK dotnet 1.10.4 and clientsecretcredential class to generate a token to read from my blob. I followed the list blob in container sample in this link I am getting the following error Azure.Identity.AuthenticationFailedException:…
Currently I'm facing a trouble implementing the business logic using clean architecture and cqrs pattern. I'm using Mediatr and AutoMapper to do that. I have the following structure for the cqrs pattern ApplicationCore DTOs SmartphoneDto.cs Features Smartphone Handlers Commands AddSmartphoneCommandHandler.cs…
I am utilizing Azure Service Bus with a .NET Core 3.1 application. My application receives thousands of requests and places them in the topic. The question I want to ask is whether I should create a new sender for each…
I've got an service that I want to run on localhost on each machine, is it safe to create the certificate with dotnet dev-certs https --trust or should I use another method?
I have a specific requirement for developing an application in ASP.NET MVC. The application will serve as a DETAILS SECTION ONLY web app, where data from six databases needs to be seamlessly integrated and displayed. Currently, I'm in the research…
I'm currently dealing with a .net API that aims to be RESTful. One of the endpoints I'm working with has two optional query parameters. The following usage is allowed: /endpoint/search /endpoint/search?from=01/02/23 /endpoint/search?from=01/02/23&to=01/03/23 This endpoint however returns a 400 when you…
When any new message received in the stream, on that time OnMessageReceived event should trigger. public event EventHandler<MqMessageReceivedEventArgs> OnMessageReceived; var result = await redisDatabase.StreamRangeAsync(StreamName, "-", "+", 1, Order.Ascending); protected virtual void OnMessageReceivedEvent(MqMessageReceivedEventArgs e) { OnMessageReceived?.Invoke(this, e); }
Here my design database, I working on E-commerce project So when the admin create a new product its have new Id and the user have to select the color and size for the product. The problem is when create a…
I have a Blazor WASM app deployed to an Azure Static Web app with a managed .NET 8 isolated Azure Function API. When calling the API directly from Postman using the auto-generated web app URL + the API route I…