Blazor NavLink style with a class in CSS Isolation
I am trying to style NavLink in Blazor with a CSS class that I have in a CSS Isolation file for that razor file. I just do not seem able to make any changes accept with global or inline styles.…
I am trying to style NavLink in Blazor with a CSS class that I have in a CSS Isolation file for that razor file. I just do not seem able to make any changes accept with global or inline styles.…
I want to retrieve the service principal object given an application ID. The .NET SDK provides the following endpoint for that: GET /servicePrincipals(appId='{appId}') However, I don't see how to call that endpoint, only the one with the service principal's object…
This is how my logging in Asp.Net is configured: _ = pServiceCollection.AddSerilog((serviceProvider, loggerConfiguration) => loggerConfiguration.ReadFrom.Configuration(pConfiguration) .ReadFrom.Services(serviceProvider) .Enrich.FromLogContext() .WriteTo.Console(outputTemplate: LogMessageTemplate, formatProvider: CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) .WriteTo.File(path: logFilePath, outputTemplate: LogMessageTemplate, rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day, retainedFileCountLimit: 30, formatProvider: CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) .WriteTo.EventLog(source: CommonConstants.ProductName, manageEventSource: true, restrictedToMinimumLevel: LogEventLevel.Warning, formatProvider: CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Only…
I want to create a nested form just like on ruby on rails form_for for my view using .net mvc. I have a models that has one to many relationship. // Principal (parent) public class Blog { public int Id…
I am trying to run a function app written in C# locally in Visual Studio Professional 2022. But, I am getting the following error: FUNCTIONS_INPROC_NET8_ENABLED app setting is not enabled in local.settings.json Selected inproc6 host. This version of the Azure…
I have consolidated some old WebJobs and worker roles into a new Azure Function project. I have used Azure Functions before with no trouble. This project has a persistent problem I have been battling for a few days. It throws…
We have a form on our website that asks customers to enter their website address. I currently have the code below which checks that their URL is alive. The code works most of the time. However I recently saw it…
Their are some sensitive APIs that are onboarded on APIM and i want no logging to be done for them due to security concerns. Was able to get many things but none of them work and was not in the…
I have been trying to create an automated reference number that can be used to identify each user, but in some aspect, there is a repetition in the number. From my code, the reference number is supposed to be unique,…
I am adding a custom code to AuthorizeAttribute that routes a user to an action in another controller that displays a modal popup when they have not verified their phone number. For some reason, the code just redirects forever that…