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Azure devops test database

Goal I would like to have a solution, that among other things includes an SQL Server Database Project and a Unit Test Project. (+ integration test project?) That solution is going to be source controlled by a git repository on…


How to Correct Error in ASP.NET Core Application with C#

I got this error "Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0." while migrating. my connection string given in appsettings.json "ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "Data Source=LAPTOP-P08F3TG1/ckary;Initial Catalog=Product;Integrated Security=True" }, ApplicationDbcontext.cs public class ApplicationDbContext:DbContext { public…


Why does json.NET give “Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content”?

I'm trying to deserialize a JSON object. The value of the string 'plaintext' is: {"expiryDay":1,"expiryMonth":6,"expiryYear":2023,"machineGuid":"a3586fb9-b05e-46f1-a4a0-683a97109e34","name":"Alexander Farley"} This line throws an exception: var json = JObject.Parse(plaintext); The exception is: Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: 'Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content: . Path '',…


Is CS0029 an error when passing component @ref in Visual Studio Code Maui Blazor?

After updating Visual Studio to version 17.6.0, the following error occurred in my MAUI project: Error CS0029 Cannot implicitly convert type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ElementReference' to '<componentName>' Here is my code: @using UI.Components.Dialogs.InfoDialog @using UI.Components.Dialogs.InputDialog @using UI.Components.Dialogs.MessageDialog @using UI.Components.Dialogs.SettingsDialog @using UI.Components.Dialogs.ProcedureTypeSelectorDialog @using UI.Services;…

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