Webpages Chart for .NET 5 – Asp.net
I need to easily build simple charts. My idea was to use the Microsoft chart class to do so (as they have a very good tutorial on the subject). But this causes problems as I build a MVC webapp using…
I need to easily build simple charts. My idea was to use the Microsoft chart class to do so (as they have a very good tutorial on the subject). But this causes problems as I build a MVC webapp using…
I have a asp.net core mvc project. In my layout file, I want to display the name of the currently logged in user, such that the username is displayed in the header. For this, I want to be able to…
After many hours of frustrating attempts I'm asking help: I have a .NET Core App that regardless of my searches online doesn't seem to start in Docker. It should be working because is the final assignment of a Docker course…
When running the below code on Windows with a valid Windows timezone it returns the correct TimeZoneInfo with 1 AdjustmentRule: var timeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Europe Standard Time"); However, when running inside a Linux container, after converting the timezone name to…
I have a Blazor Page with one View, but I want to use two ViewModels for that, depends on which URL I use. @page "/canSimStatic" @page "/CanSimDynamic" @using System.Diagnostics; @using edge_cantraficSimulator.Data @using edge_cantraficSimulator.ViewModels @using System.Threading; @using System.IO; @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering; @inject…
I'm building a web app in .NET using the MVC framework. Never done this and I'm pretty new to this kind of software developing. I'm creating an HTML form, with an input field in it. As I understand, the default…
I have to set a proxy for the .net 5.0 application. I referred https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.http.httpclient.defaultproxy?view=net-5.0 which mentioned I can set HTTP_PROXY environment variable, which will be used for all the calls. Another option is I use HttpClientHandler to set the proxy…
I Have been looking at this for 2 hours where is this incorrect syntax!? Here is the line the error happens https://i.stack.imgur.com/08tGY.png public static class InvestorProcessor { public static int CreateInvestment(int id, string tickerSymbol, Sale transactionType, string companyName, int quantity,…
I'm developing an server-side Blazor-application, which uses EntityFramework-Core to create the Database (code-first). I want to use one of the models in an EditForm-component, but it throws an NullReferenceException on the _Host.cshtml, whenever I open the page, containing the EditForm-component.…
The storage admins where I work have bought and configured a new huge NAS system. Over time all current storage will migrate over there. This means that various network paths will change and this will break some in-house applications. We…