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Redis cluster is identified as down

I have a dotnet application that uses a redis cluster for caching. Recently I came across an issue where the dotnet application identifies as the cluster has gone down. but when checked with the cluster info command the cluster status…


Json – MongoDB Sorting Not Working as Expected in C# with Aggregate Lookup

I'm trying to sort a list in MongoDB using C# with the following method: public async Task<SearchResponseDTO<CampaignValidateDTO>> Search(SearchRequestDTO<CampaignValidateSearchFilterDTO> searchRequestDTO, string tenantId) { var filterDefinition = GetSearchFilter(searchRequestDTO, tenantId); var totalItems = await mongoCollection.CountDocumentsAsync(filterDefinition); var itemsWithLookup = await mongoCollection.Aggregate() .Match(filterDefinition) .As<CampaignValidateDTO>() .Lookup<CampaignValidateDTO,…

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