Next.js Fonts and CSS vars
I am trying to use the "next" way of adding fonts. However I feel like the way they explain it seems extremely complicated just to preload a font. I tried to export a function creating the font and then using…
I am trying to use the "next" way of adding fonts. However I feel like the way they explain it seems extremely complicated just to preload a font. I tried to export a function creating the font and then using…
I am working on nextJS app and integrating stripe web elements (card) but the elements are not showing up. I see empty in inspect. They are working fine in my other reactJS app but not here, even though the code…
Here is layout.js. I have commented out the export const metadata, doing this makes the deployment to Vercel successful. Without commenting out the metadata, the deployment will fail. "use client"; import "./globals.css"; import { store } from "./store/store"; import {…
So I am trying to fetch an API using NextJS and I am using SWR. My code is as follows: import useSWR from "swr"; const fetcher = (url: string) => fetch(url).then((res) => res.json()); export default function Home(){ const { data,…
I've got this interface which will serve as props for a section component displaying different equipment. Each piece of equipment will be placed on a card inside a grid column. Here's the interface: interface EquipmentSectionProps { bgColor: "black" | "lightGrey";…
I've started a Next.js 13 app, I have a main.modules.scss file .heading { font-size: 4rem; color: #000; } .dark .heading { color: #fff; } I am using it to style a component like this import styles from "@/styles/main.module.scss"; export default…
My bundler creates a simple React component as follows "use client"; "use strict";var a=Object.create;var r=Object.defineProperty;var b=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var i=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var l=Object.getPrototypeOf,s=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var m=(t,o)=>{for(var n in o)r(t,n,{get:o[n],enumerable:!0})},c=(t,o,n,u)=>{if(o&&typeof o=="object"||typeof o=="function")for(let e of i(o))!,e)&&e!==n&&r(t,e,{get:()=>o[e],enumerable:!(u=b(o,e))||u.enumerable});return t};var B=(t,o,n)=>(n=t!=null?a(l(t)):{},c(o||!t||!t.__esModule?r(n,"default",{value:t,enumerable:!0}):n,t)),f=t=>c(r({},"__esModule",{value:!0}),t);var x={};m(x,{Button:()=>k});module.exports=f(x);var p=B(require("react")),k=()=>p.createElement("button",{onClick:()=>alert("boop")},"Boop");0&&(module.exports={Button}); //# Although it has "use client" on top,…
This question was asked before but was never fully answered in textThe variables are probably the most important part of this code as I want to be able to use them in multiple CSS functions to animate them with hover…
I have a next.JS project, and I am using Prisma with Mongodb, and there is dynamic routes in it, basically when we have [somefolder]/page.tsx and then in the browser we hit https://localhost/somefolder/new, it should go to the page with an…
I am working on search with redis (redis-om) in new NextJS 13 (app directory). When I go by tutorial I am getting following error with Entity. I actually don't know if it is bug or I am doing something wrong.…