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Nginx proxy pass not resolving

I'm new to Nginx and I'm trying to define locations to match certain patterns. I'm not sure if this is the correct approach, but this what I figured out so far. Requirements Location Proxy Pass /api/cars/carID?queryString https://myapi/api/cars/carID?queryString /api/cars/carID/model?queryString https://myapi/api/cars/carID/model?queryString /api/cars/carID/anythingElse?queryString…


Nginx geoip does not show the country in the logs – Docker

I am using a public repo for nginx configured for geolocation with geoip, but I am getting dashes in the fields $geoip2_data_country_code $geoip2_data_country_name'. I have the following Dockerfile: FROM alpine:3.11 COPY GeoLite2-Country.mmdb /usr/share/geoip/ # Install libmaxminddb and ngx_http_geoip2_module ENV MAXMIND_VERSION=1.2.1…

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