Javascript – Convert object with single entry to array in Lodash
I'm using lodash to transform a response from a GraphQL. What I've is the following structure: [[ { nodes: [ {}, {} ] }, { nodes: [ {}, {} ] }, { nodes: [ {}, {}, {} ] }, {…
I'm using lodash to transform a response from a GraphQL. What I've is the following structure: [[ { nodes: [ {}, {} ] }, { nodes: [ {}, {} ] }, { nodes: [ {}, {}, {} ] }, {…
I am trying to sort the products array based on the createdAt date. My orders model const itemSchema = new Schema( { productId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Product' }, quantity: { type: Number, max: [10, 'Only 10 quantity of one…
User is authenticated on client side with firebase sdk. on server side, there is nodejs with also the sdk installed. This server code is valid as i'm able to use the db: var firebase = require("firebase/compat/app"); require("firebase/compat/database"); require("firebase/compat/auth"); const firebaseConfig…
I'm running api that is integrated with mongodb, the API is hosted on cpanel for a while. It worked perfectly since 1 week when it started showing some strange connection error, while in the development environment everything is running fine.Here…
i have a input field and slider which has range between 1 to 100. since i have toggle switches and drop downs i keep onChange events for each field instead of submit button including for slider also. but i am…
I am trying to build a MongoDB pipeline query but I can't get it to work. The modified query is below. pipeline = [ {match: { objectId: JSON.stringify({$eq : ''}), isDeleted: {$ne : true} }}, ...., ] console.log(pipeline) When I…
I am trying to make a crud app but I am getting an error message "TypeError: console.log is not a function" at Query. (C:UsersLuis HernandezDesktopgaming-crudserverapp.js:30:25) [![enter image description here][1]][1] This happens every time I click the add button to add…
I have an availabilities collection. Inside this collection could be a few entries that are date based for example: { "_id": "64b03ed794d87927a3066e13", "startDateTime": "2023-07-07T18:00:00.000Z", "endDateTime": "2023-07-12T15:00:00.000Z", "availabilityType": "blackout" } { "_id": "64b03eb094d87927a3066ddb", "startDateTime": "2023-07-03T18:00:00.000Z", "endDateTime": "2023-07-06T15:00:00.000Z", "availabilityType": "blackout" } I…
I'm using multer package to let visitors upload their images. everything works fine but in the end the path to the image is something like this : "/imagesthe-picture.jpg " even in the database (I'm using mongodb) the path is saved…
I have mongodb documents, each contains a pokemon array, where each item is an object. This is a sample document: { _id: ObjectId("60a8f82df06d8601849b2a01") pokemon: [ { "id": 1, "num": 1, "name": "bulbasaur", "img": "", "type": ["grass", "poison"], "height": 112, "weight":…