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Can we make a difference?

I'm developing a discord bot and faced a small problem, I use "messageReactionRemove" and "messageReactionAdd" to remove or add certain roles, the problem happens when the user leaves the server, as when he leaves, certain user reactions are removed using…


How can we rewrite this?

I am new in Nodejs and working on Express js, Right now i am working on "middleware function" for specific routes,I want to know that "what is use of next",means after autheticate what "next" function can do ? if we…


How can I rewrite this?

Currently I am trying to write RESTapi for a website with users and flashcards. I am using a MERN stack in order to build this. The mongodb structure is the following: //FlashCardSchema const flashcardSchema = new Schema({ deckID: { type:…


Can I rewrite this?

So, for example, we have a function that performs some kind of transaction, it gets imported in different parts of the application where it keeps being called. // myDb.mjs export const db = mysql.createConnection({ host: 'localhost', user: 'root', password: 'password',…


How can we rewrite this?

Currently I'm using a timer with node-schedule to check for changes in the database, making queries every 1 minute and then comparing with the information already registered to see if there were changes since the last check. With what I…

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