How do I install correct version of NodeJS? – Reactjs
I'm very new to coding, and am using Linux Pop! OS. I'm working on a project with React and NodeJS and npm, but it says I have to have at least the 14th version of Node to create a React…
I'm very new to coding, and am using Linux Pop! OS. I'm working on a project with React and NodeJS and npm, but it says I have to have at least the 14th version of Node to create a React…
I'm doing a MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) project in which I need to make a HTTP request, in a React component, to the database to get a field of a model. I'm using Axios (could use any other…
I'm having to integrate a legacy system into using AWS API Gateway but first using Localstack to create a proof of concept. I'm having to rapidly learn the underlying principles and concepts of everything related to the AWS system so…
enter image description here hi, I just tried to create a resume builder that source code taken from the GitHub profile I took the fork that code and files to my repo, i changed localhost 8080 to 5000 and also…
I'm trying out the node.js Admin SDK to push items and listen to updates on a Realtime Database: ref.child('something').on('child_added', childAdded) ref.child('something').on('child_changed', childChanged) ref.child('something').on('child_removed', childRemoved) ... ref.child('something').push({...}) If I push 3 items, I expect to get childAdded to be called 3…
I'm running sequelize-cli db:migrate to initialize a migration, but this happens Sequelize CLI [Node: 19.6.1, CLI: 6.6.0, ORM: 6.28.1] Loaded configuration file "config\config.js". == 20230221223939-aluno: migrating ======= ERROR: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type') This is my config.js file:…
I am making use of axios in my react app along with MUI for styling. I had no error while development but now when i started to write test for my react app using react testing library and jest i…
Hi i've been looking for a way to search through a collection for a document containing an email if no documents exist with that email, create one and return the document, if the document does exist already, return that original…
I am trying to run node js file function from Laravel Controller function. Basically Node js file called as translate.js have function which can translate input text to required language ( Like english to hindi etc..) I have done some…
Here in Image you can see the error and the code i've tried.Server Error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map') This error happened while generating the page. Any console logs will be displayed in the terminal window. here…