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how to get my javascript output in json format

success: true datatype: "string" timestamp: 09140820 registerId:123" value: "{"Relay Abc":"Off","Relay Bedf":"On","MP R31":0,"NM R2":-1,"SP R3":-1,"Current":0,"Voltage":0,"Voltage2":51}" deviceID: "5A6B3038-8FA0-43F8-A54B-BCE52902337C" tagName: "k_Test_02" deviceName: "abc_SERVER" image is the javascript code for the function node I want same output as shown just value data to be…


When I include this adminAuth code in node-red settings.js , I get the following error. When I comment it out, it's fine, what's wrong? – Docker

The entire settings file is the default settings file produced by node-red with the addition of //COMMENT TEST HERE adminAuth: require("./node_modules/node-red-contrib-okta/user-authentication")({ oktaAPIToken: process.env.OKTA_TOKEN, oktaAPIUrl: process.env.OKTA_URL, //Okta API url groups: [ { groupID: process.env.OKTA_GROUP_ID, //okta group DD permissions: '*' } ]…

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