Change telegram bot name on the fly – Telegram API
I have a telegram bot that messages on a group. I want the telegram bot to change its “name” from time to time - just like a user can. Is this possible? This means that when I see a message…
I have a telegram bot that messages on a group. I want the telegram bot to change its “name” from time to time - just like a user can. Is this possible? This means that when I see a message…
I recently downloaded and installed Telegraf - telegram bot api. It works with Node.js. I looked at 17 sites, including github, and did not find a solution for myself. Here is the error: node .srcbot.js internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:638 throw err; ^ Error:…
I am unable to use the same instance of an object in another java-script file using nodejs. I'm working on a bot for telegram. Because the file gets large and chaotic, i would like to split the functions of my…
I'm developing a Telegram bot in nodejs. I create an instance of node-telegram-bot-api and I'm using the method on('photo') to manage if a user sends a photo to my bot. The problem is when a user sends more than one…
I have a teegram bot that has an issue because send many times same message. Maybe because bot don't say to telegram the first operation is correct. Is really slowly and so telegram send again message. I'm tring to understand…
I'm new to telegram bot and node js, I'm developing a simple bot that calls api urls to get json objects, but I've this error with a command. This is the command's code: bot.onText(//fixtures/, (msg) => { const chatId =…
I am trying to insert some data with node.js. I installed MySQL support via npm, but It still seems to fail to input the right strings with INSERT INTO. (the row types in the database are tinytext and the strings…
When I try to send information about my Age it is asking my Gen and then my height. And if I'm writing my height it's asking my gen 2 times and 1 time my age. How to make it work…
I am making a telegram bot using node.js and node-telegram-bot-api library. I answer on callback_query and want to change my inline keybord. The code below shows how I am trying to use this method, but when I tap on keyboard…
I'm using the node-telegram-bot-api module, How can I make my keyboard to inline Keyboard? This is my code: bot.onText(/^/start$/, function (msg) { const opts = { reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id, reply_markup: { resize_keyboard: true, one_time_keyboard: true, keyboard: [ ['Level 1'] ] }…