Oracle 19C Query with hierarchical JSON
I have 2 Oracle tables table_1: ID target_id name url 1 A John 2 B Jane table_2: id1 target_id col1 col2 X A aaa bbb Y A ccc ddd I am trying to run query joining table_1 and…
I have 2 Oracle tables table_1: ID target_id name url 1 A John 2 B Jane table_2: id1 target_id col1 col2 X A aaa bbb Y A ccc ddd I am trying to run query joining table_1 and…
Attaching the screenshot of the error that I am recieving while trying to connect to oracle database instance in which is inside docker container
I am trying to create a nested json object using Oracle SQL. I am able to create JSON objects where the hierarchy level is predefined. In this case, it is dynamic and not able to find SQL or PLSQL solution…
I have the following Timestamp With Time Zone column value in Postgresql: 2011-09-13 07:38:01+00 Which I convert to the necessary Date format expected by Oracle in the select: select to_date(date_column, 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24.MM.SS') as date_column from table; Which matches the Date…
Hi I'am trying to return a the value of output parameter of oracle stored procedure using PDO. I have a class called Sql and in the constructor I am doing the connection to the database then I am using those…
I am new in Accumulo and currently trying to migrate all of data from relational database such as PostgreSQL and Oracle to Accumulo. How do I do this? Is there a direct API that I can use or do I…
Here below is a table that stores a one-to-many relationship where one user might be associated with one or more profiles: +----+---------+------------+------------------------+ | ID | USER_ID | PROFILE_ID | LAST_PROFILE_DATE_TIME | +----+---------+------------+------------------------+ | 1 | 100 | 101 | 04.06.23…
in a DB table, table1 I have the following JSON in column1: { "key1": [ { "subkey1":"somevalue1", "subkey2":"somevalue2", }, { "subkey1":"interestedvalue1", "subkey2":"interestedvalueToParseAndGet", } ] } If I do the following, select JSON_VALUE(column1, '$.key1[1].subkey2') from table1 I'm able to get interestedvalueToParseAndGet…
I am using Oracle Apex 22.2 and Oracle Database XE 21c on CentOS 7. I want to loop through all the nested elements in a JSON document/CLOB and achieve the Canonical String (shown below). Also, any suggestions on improving my…
SELECT key1, key2, JSON_ARRAYAGG(foo) foo, JSON_ARRAYAGG(bar) bar FROM ( select 1 as key1, 2 as key2, '1.0' as foo, 'A' as bar from dual UNION select 1, 2, '2.0' , 'A' as bar from dual UNION select 3, 4, '2.0'…