How can i know what is the release of osCommerce?
how can i know what is the release of osCommerce? is the release written in any file of the package? Regards Javi
how can i know what is the release of osCommerce? is the release written in any file of the package? Regards Javi
i have above than 3000 users in my oscommerce now i want to migrate those user in to magento . how can i do that please help
In oscommerce, I have set the DIR_WS_IMAGES from the config.php to be an external url so that the site loads the images from a static cookie-less subdomain. The images work fine except the pop-us. The pop-up scritp echo osc_link_object(osc_href_link(DIR_WS_IMAGES. will…
I have oscommerce based website. The product's attributes are read from text file. All i want is to press the "insert product" button automatically either through AJAX or anything else. So that i can add 100 product daily in automatic…
someone made me a piece of code, but after implementing the snippet, the error in the title accured. This is the snippet: It seems tep_db_fetch_assoc() is defined as $row, is this true, and why do I get this error then?…
For every occurrence of the pound symbol (£) in my store, I am instead seeing a '?' question mark symbol in a black diamond. Googling has resulted in suggestions of charset - mine is set as utf-8 as below... <meta…
I have an old osCommerce site that was PHP4, now running on PHP5. Named constants defined with define() are being evaluated incorrectly: $string = '<a href="" target="_blank">' . BOX_ENTRY_SUPPORT_SITE . '</a><br>'; will show as BOX_ENTRY_SUPPORT_SITE, not the value placed in…
Is OSCommerce outdated? I recently started working for a web development company that uses it a lot and I noticed the code base is really messy and has a lot of older php code in there. Being used to something…
We work on a lot of integration projects and a customer has a legacy ecommerce site and have asked us to integrate product information, orders and inventory with another platform. Does osCommerce have an API that can be used for…
I am planning to integrate some opensource shopping cart with my site and I am bit worried about it's security. Is it that easy to hack osCommerce based website? Because I am thinking to use osCommerce.. Kindly advise.