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Jquery – addclass also to parents

I'm building a multi level menu and would like to add an active class to the element through a function (which is working) but would also want to add this class to it parents elements. <ul class="main-menu"> <li><a href="#" class="nav-link">Maine…


Css – java Script give an error when i make new div

i have this html code <div class="form-group"> <label>Debt Type:</label> <select id="debtType" placeholder="Chose Type of Debt" required> <option value="" disabled selected hidden>Chose Type of Debt</option> <option value="Auto Loan"> Auto Loan</option> <option value="Student Loan"> Student Loan</option> <option value="Debt Card Loan"> Debt Card…


Html – How can i remove a filter svg from the children?

i'd like to remove the svg filter i added to a div from the button children but i'm blocked HTML <div id="parchment" class="contain"> <button style="background-image: url('path/to/image2.jpg');" onclick="redirectTo('pagina2.html');">dfwfefesefse</button> <button style="background-image: url('path/to/image3.jpg');" onclick="redirectTo('pagina3.html');"></button> </div> <svg > <filter id="wavy2"> <feTurbulence x="0" y="0" baseFrequency="0.02"…

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