Improperly formatted json?
First, I am new to Python and working with JSON. I am trying to extract just one value from an API request response, and I am having a difficult time parsing out the data I need. I have done a…
First, I am new to Python and working with JSON. I am trying to extract just one value from an API request response, and I am having a difficult time parsing out the data I need. I have done a…
I was trying to create a prolog JSON parser that has a string and a variable for the result as a input and i wrote this program: :- use_module(library(dcg/basics)). jsonparse(String, Value) :- string_chars(String, Chars), phrase(json_value(Value), Chars). json_value(Value) --> json_object(Value) ;…
I am tasked with creating a to do list form . The User should be able to input their 'todos' and then be displayed those todos. The user has the option to remove and cross out each todo. When the…
I have the following problem, I'm new in Dart, and I'm using a Future to construct a list view from a JSON response of an API, once I do this request, I receive the following response: REQUEST: Future<List<Job>> _fetchJobs() async…
This is a follow up from: How to extract data from HTML page source of (a tab within) a webpage? We're currently extracting the tabular data available here from the Financials section of a company. The table of data from…
I am trying to PARSE Json and pull values based on input key. JSON structure is not same every time below is sample JSON structure and JSON starts and ends with [] and some time {} [ { "id": "0001",…
An API gives me json response like this: [{"version": "v3.5"}, {"setup": true}, {"address": "e7d398b"}, {"connected": true}, {"active": true}, {"id": "ce7143"}, {"genuine": true}] As you can see, this is a list of objects. I tried parsing it like this using quicktype…
I am generating a json output file through Jenkins pipeline script. I need to parse JSON file through Jenkins Pipeline script further to get the key attributes like total incidents, total occurrences, type,policy and filenames of each from below json…
Shortly, I'm trying to create some web-API-application and I'm parsing telegram data and I am faced up with a problem. When I get all the JSON, I see that the program can't parse it because some field(text) couldn't resolve the…
Me and my friend are trying to make a farm game and you have to make a Bitcoin wallet to start playing. I am using the code below and the request goes perfectly, but it doesn’t show the wallet ID;…