How to use Apache AGE extension in pgAdmin? – Postgresql
Is there any way so that I use Apache AGE extension in pgAdmin ?
Is there any way so that I use Apache AGE extension in pgAdmin ?
I am trying to connect to a Postgres instance running in a Docker container. In the docker-compose file, the postgres service looks like this: flask-api-postgres: container_name: flask-api-postgres image: postgres:13.4-alpine env_file: - dev.env ports: - "5433:5433" networks: flask-network: With docker inspect…
Could someone tells me what is wrong please. I try to create a job with using PgAgent with declaring some variables. When I run this code manually, it works successfully. But when I try to put this code in job…
I exported a postgres table as CSV: "id","notify_me","score","active","is_moderator","is_owner","is_creator","show_marks","course_id","user_id" 8,False,36,"A",False,True,True,True,2,8 29,False,0,"A",False,False,False,True,2,36 30,False,25,"A",False,False,False,True,2,37 33,False,2,"A",False,False,False,False,2,40 Then I tried to import it using pgadmin: But I ended up getting following error: I checked the values of Score column, but it doesnt contain value "A":…
I am running two postgres servers as containers from docker-compose on different ports. In pgAdmin, only standard port mapping 5432:5432 is possible to connect. The second server mapped as 5433:5432 to avoid conflict is impossible to connect. Both server containers…
I have enabled Azure Postgresql SSL connection mode and after doing that I was not able to connect to Postgres database using dbForge, it is showing that SSL connection is required. Please specify SSL options and retry. I can able…
I'm new to kubernetes and nginx, and am having trouble understanding how to implement Ingress (nginx-ingress) for my particular use case. I want to expose the pgadmin PostgreSQL admin tool from my cluster. I have other applications exposed via nginx-ingress…
I've got problem with completing pgadmin4 installation thru sudo /usr/pgadmin4/bin/ command. During this process instalator does not recognizing that Apache is running and asks me if I want to start it: The Apache web server is not running. We can…
Please suggest how to create ER-diagram in PGAdmin or any other Debian package.
Running several docker containers including postgres database remotely. $docker-compose ps Name Command State Ports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fiware-cygnus / Up (healthy)>5050/tcp,>5080/tcp fiware-elasticsearch / elas ... Up 9200/tcp, 9300/tcp fiware-grafana / Up>3000/tcp fiware-iotagent pm2-runtime bin/lwm2mAgent ... Up (healthy)>4041/tcp, 5684/tcp,…