How to create SVG icons and how to implement on web applications? – Photoshop
How to create SVG icons and how to implement the SVG icons on our web application? Can you please anyone help to create and implement on web application?
How to create SVG icons and how to implement the SVG icons on our web application? Can you please anyone help to create and implement on web application?
I've got some code with the ScriptListner plugin for Photoshop. I'm trying to use the "document.getElementById('id').path = 'some path'" with ExtendScript, which is actually just modified JavaScript (as far as I know) but Photoshop JavaScript engine does not seem to…
i can't remove the white background when saving as png or jpeg. tried everything what suggested me on the web, but still get the diminsions i set up as whitebackground. How can i save image without the background? see image…
I am using adobe illustrator cc 2018. I have a color #ff32cb. I want to convert it to CMYK same as it is looking. If i use this code in cmyk then its not same.(see image attached. Right color is…
I've been having a hell of a time with the move layer function, programming a photoshop script in python. Layers are ending up inside of other layer sets rather than after them, etc. The native command to do this in…
I'm looking for online or free image editing tool that allows you to scale images in the way Photoshop allows by context aware scaling. Simply I want to scale a image horizontally (in x axis) without scaling the image content…
I made this button in Photoshop. I have plenty of graphic UI experience, but not much coding besides python and html/css. I figured I would use javascript to animate the button being clicked and change color. I am very much…
I'm trying to resize and crop several images from a folder. First of all, let's see some parts of the script: // DOCUMENT SETTINGS app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.MM; app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO; // FUNCTIONS function processing_f_alta(folder, files, w, h) { var f_alta…
I'm trying to make a script that will take an element on a layer and restore its size to 100%. This is what I have so far but it doesn't seem to be working on smart objects for some reason.…
What the difference between this color code #fff3f3f3 and #ffffff - the first one is 8 characters and second one is 6 ? And how I can read that kind of colors #fff3f3f3 ?