WooCommerce: How to check if meta key exists for a specific product
Situation: modifying the product template to display some HTML only IF a specific product meta exists / is set /
Situation: modifying the product template to display some HTML only IF a specific product meta exists / is set /
When a user clicks submit I am trying to create a file.
Centos 7
php 7.2
I have tried to
I’ve removed Add to Cart button from Shop and Category pages, but how about Related Products section that is below
I have certain Woocommerce products that require the customer (or the product recipient) to provide a date of birth. Customers
VmWare Cloud Server
CentOS Linux 7.6.1810 – Php 5.6.40 – Apache/2.4.6
In my WooCommerce store I want to restrict and show payment gateway(cheque) only if the product has particular product category
I am trying to get some products from a user’s ebay account, but when I run my code I am
I was resetting MYSQL Password since I forgot it. I am using MYSQL 5.6.41 at Centos 7.
I followed the
I have the following PHP code:
include './globallyUsedFunctions/connectToDatabase.php';
include './globallyUsedFunctions/hashInput.php';
For some reason, it causes this error:
I have migrated one of my client’s sites to Linode. Now the homepage is working and the rest of the