PHP Filter Input Array – Phpmyadmin
Also the reason why im using Filter input array is because $_POST doesn’t even work anymore not
Also the reason why im using Filter input array is because $_POST doesn’t even work anymore not
I’m currently coding a blog to get experience with php(I’ve made an MVC-Framework), so I am still new to this.<br
I tried to import a large sql file but its not getting imported.
And it shows the following error.
I have a task script that works perfectly fine if i run it by visiting the php file from my
usually if we want to chat or send command to Telegram Bot, we just texting the bot from Telegram apps
I’ve created 2 Inline-Button and I want to evaluate the callback_data. But unfortunately, the callback_data is not sent.
Error Number: 1452
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (smp.student, CONSTRAINT FK_ParentStudent FOREIGN
So after I updated my TYPO3 from 8.7.6 to 8.7.24, the backend seems broken.
I can log in normally and
facebook Batch request api gives me the response.and as according to my logic this is the best response i get
I have an array of strings. Something like this
$preorder[] = "