php ini setting upload_max_filesize not working – Apache
I need to change upload limit to 2GB on php 7.2 Ubuntu 16.04.
As a first step, when
I need to change upload limit to 2GB on php 7.2 Ubuntu 16.04.
As a first step, when
I’m trying to install Magento (2.3.0) on macOS Mojave. Magento shows PHP Extension intl. is missing.
I tried the below
We have a multisite running with about 6 sites.
3 of our sites are accessible through the wp-admin the other
Why can’t I migrate to my database? The .env configuration is correct and I created a model in addition to
I’m using the Underscores theme for my wordpress site so everything is very plain and there’s no option to add
I have the following cron executed every few minutes:
*/8 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php -f /home/xxx/yyyy.php >> /home/xxx/zzzz.log
I’m trying to include a PHP class in magento 2.
I use a require_once and create a folder lib in
I’m using Ubuntu 18.04,Zend framework 3, and integrated Xdebugger with Visual studio. Now when I start debugger in visual studio
I am trying to display product categories from my database, but the option are just blank, The database is connected
hello as the titles says I can see the plugins in the cpanel but i cant see it in wp