Multiple .htaccess files – SEO
I’m relatively new to htaccess files and I’m trying to get my URL to look SEO friendly.
It says to
I’m relatively new to htaccess files and I’m trying to get my URL to look SEO friendly.
It says to
This question may seem repetitive, as there are many threads around with the same subject, but thing is that most
Warning: mysqli::__construct(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo
failed: nodename nor servname provided, or not known in
/Users/davidrooney/Sites/conn_test.php on
//this is my database
include 'db.php';
$con = mysqli_connect($servername,$username,$password,$dbname);
I can’t for the life of me figure this out, it seems like it should be straight forward but it’s
I recently purchased the AliDropship WooCommerce plugin. When trying to install it on my Siteground-WooCommerce website I get the below
I’ve created a configuration screen for my Magento2 module, on this file (System.xml) I’ve an input text field like following:<br
As you can see from my screenshot I am trying to align the Add to card buttons horizontally. I have
I have enabled mariadb general log. When I open my web app homepage in prod. env. I have like:
Help, pls.:
when I installed a test theme for Magento_2.2.5 – the “” disappeared.
need –,
but now like this