Apache Virtual Host not getting to the right folder
I have a Laravel installation in Xampp and i configured a virtualhost with the url “http://laravel.test” so i don’t have
I have a Laravel installation in Xampp and i configured a virtualhost with the url “http://laravel.test” so i don’t have
my system uses a XML file generated by a URL and I need a script that every 30 minutes access
I faced with a Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Configurableswatches_Helper_Productimg' not found in /app/Mage.php on line 547 while flushing the swatch image
I am currently trying to setup a existing Magento site on my localhost, after cloning the repository I’m unable to
After I installed phpmyadmin, and run it with localhost/phpmyadmin I get error:
phpMyAdmin – Error The mbstring extension
Let’s say that there’s a CMS made with Laravel. We would be providing different clients with that same CMS, upgrade
I want to remove .php extension from my url,
so I edited .htaccess to add this code
RewriteEngine On
We have developed a website in PHP for small services. Before production, we have to do performance and load testing
I have the following code:
$db = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','[mypassword]','users')
or die('Error connecting to MySQL server.');
A basic page page with just session_start(); loads just fine, but once I’ve set something, for example $_SESSION['pet']="dog";, the page