Php – Show seven day calendar
I want a calendar with only 7 days visible.
The days ['Ma', 'Di', 'Woe', 'Do', 'Vrij', 'Za', 'Zo']
must stay
I want a calendar with only 7 days visible.
The days ['Ma', 'Di', 'Woe', 'Do', 'Vrij', 'Za', 'Zo']
must stay
I am currently learning PHP and trying to figure out how to connect my MySQL database named (lead_gen_business) using OOP.
Here my code:
use PhpMqttClientMqttClient;
use PhpMqttClientConnectionSettings;
$temperature = array();
$server = '<address>';<br
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I need to
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class TypeSaveLogService
i have a wordpress site that displays these 2 warnings on the top of the site:
Warning: Creating default