How can I solve this problem based on array in PHP?
I’m getting this error:
Attempt to read property"id" on array
File name: controler/patient.php
Line 352
I had just modified by
I’m getting this error:
Attempt to read property"id" on array
File name: controler/patient.php
Line 352
I had just modified by
I got two tables in my database..
Users and guestbook
userID, username, password, email
gbID, userID, toID, text,
Struggling to understand how to get the ID of the newly inserted row.
This is my procedural mysqli connection and
I am familiar with writing bash scripts, but PHP is new to me.
I have the following code which is
I am using WordPress and I wanted to include to my server a stripe webhook endpoint.
I don’t know why
I’ve got this code architecture :
I need a bit of help with woocommerce customization. I need to redirect the user after the order is completed
For my PHP-DI definitions I need to make complex calculations beforhand, which are based on other configurations not coming from
I’m a newbie to Laravel so I’m probably making some sort of noob error. That said, here’s my problem.
I am running PHP version 8.3 on AlmaLinux 9. I have a Laravel 10 project that runs perfectly well on