Php – PDO func insert and multiplilcation
im trying to make function that take every row from column inv by user id multiply it by 0,015 and
im trying to make function that take every row from column inv by user id multiply it by 0,015 and
I want to get all the values from this array:
I’m working on an api and a lot of it works great, but for some reason I cannot update the
I have this code here simplified.
Post::whereDoesntHave('tags', function($query){
$query->whereIn(, $tagIds);
Lets say that
Someone contacted me after their Linux, Apache2, MySQL, PHP website experienced a phishing attack. I logged onto their server,
I have a site with laravel and vuejs.
I dont have access to my programmer and this error occur when
So far the only thing I’ve seen devs putting in model policies is simple statements like this:
public function update(User
I am trying to run a cron job to execute a PHP script. The command for the cron I am
if ($var) is a loose comparison as in if ($var == true)
strict comparison will be
if ($var
When I’m testing get route in Laravel I am getting error that token field is required.
$response = $this->get(route('resendsms', ['token'