How can I safely parse the month using PHP?
Why does the following code return 12-2023? It should be 11-2023, right?
$datetime = DateTime::createFromFormat('m-y', '11-23');
echo $datetime->format('m-Y');
Why does the following code return 12-2023? It should be 11-2023, right?
$datetime = DateTime::createFromFormat('m-y', '11-23');
echo $datetime->format('m-Y');
I want to show or hide the "presenceDejeuner" and "participerActivite" fields based on the selection of "presenceEvent" (set to "Oui"
I’m using Laravel 9 and PHP 8.0. When I try to update a user, I get the following exception:
When making a GET request through PHP to, I receive a different HTML response, whereas everything works fine in
Laravel group by if column value exits then group by perform other wise as it is return records in single
I have three fields on the site (all required), which should not be hidden initially on the checkout page, but
SELECT * FROM tbl_booking WHERE ‘2023-10-27 13:00:00’ between
startDate and endDate
I need to write the query in
When sending a POST request, fpm-php chaotically returns either a normally processed PHP script <?=die("111");?> will return either “111” or
So I have this component included in my main layout file, it looks like this:
<script setup>
import {usePage} from