Laravel – Trouble fetching unread messages from table with php query, lost a bit
So having trouble fetching the unread messages and counting them from the authenticated user in a Laravel project.
I went
So having trouble fetching the unread messages and counting them from the authenticated user in a Laravel project.
I went
With below code
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, 'progress_upload');
progress_upload function
I am not sure if there is an answer to my question or if it even possible but here goes:<br
Is it possible to set this cookie with js then access it later in the body with php? No
PHP 8.0 + Doctrine 2 + Xdebug + Docker.
When the script tries to execute any getter from generated proxy
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How can I do this? I am
I’m working with 4 to 8 digit numeral strings, range 0001 to 99999999. Examples are:
I am trying to update the like/upvote button. For that I have created a menthod[Method named: likepost()] in my Controller
I use a hook edit_post_(post_type). After updating a record, I get two new records at once when I only need
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