Php – DOMPDF not working, returns 500 when trying to use "DejaVu Sans"
I cannot get my pdf generator to work. I’m using dompdf/dompdf library and I have a lot of trouble generating
I cannot get my pdf generator to work. I’m using dompdf/dompdf library and I have a lot of trouble generating
after a migration from ubuntu 18;04 to 20.04, my php site comes up with an error in the apache logs<br
I want to create a main page for my learning site (trying to learn stuff), but I have a problem
Is it possible for me to add an htaccess rule for a search page so that it will work with
My data model looks like this:
An Order contains between 1 and N Products, a Product has a single
I am building the e-commerce application, I have struggled to this problem when save many of variants:
Supposedly, I got
I have a dynamic row created, and I want to remove the row but only the data from that row
I have a textarea value which i need to save into database as it ..
Suppose the textarea value is
with composer create-project laravel/laravel project-name failing with an error.
Generating optimized autoload files
> IlluminateFoundationComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump
> @php artisan package:discover --ansi<br
Can you please tell me what kind of PHP syntax is:
echo Html::{''}('This is element content')
It’s from