what is the diff b/w pset and psetx in php redis?Is it possible set a array as value with it?
$redisClient -> setex('key', 3600, 'value' ); and $redisClient -> psetex('key', 3600, 'value' );
$redisClient -> setex('key', 3600, 'value' ); and $redisClient -> psetex('key', 3600, 'value' );
When using php redis as a session handler with session locking if there is an error where a lock cannot happen a php notice is thrown and the script continues. Is there a way to configure it for a fatal…
How does phpredis session locking work internally? Does it store a value internally and keep checking it? If I have a high redis.session.lock_retries will that put load on the server if it takes 10 seconds to get a lock and…