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Debian – Error in building wheel for cryptography while installing firebase-admin on raspberry pi 3

I was installing firebase-admin using pip on my raspberry pi 3b+ using the following command: pip3 install firebase-admin However it always ends with an error saying "Error building wheel for cryptography" Here is the full error message: /tmp/pip-build-env-k7qo7p54/overlay/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/ SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: Installing…


Can pip install PyQt5 on Alpine Docker?

Here is my Dockerfile: FROM python:3.11-alpine AS app RUN apk update && apk add make automake gcc g++ subversion python3-dev gfortran openblas-dev RUN pip install --upgrade pip WORKDIR /srv When I connect to my container and I launch: pip install…

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