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How to get newly created product id while using after plugin (Interceptor) in Magento 2

I have created interceptor for catalog product controller's save action <type name="MagentoCatalogControllerAdminhtmlProductSave"> <plugin name="ricky_catalog_save_product" type="RickyCatalogPluginProductSave" sortOrder="10" /> </type> My plugin class is below namespace RickyCatalogPluginProduct; class Save { public function afterExecute( MagentoCatalogControllerAdminhtmlProductSave $subject, $result) { $productId = $subject->productId; // This…


wordpress: plugin updates not updating – CPanel

To be clear on some things, I have tried: going into config.php and inputting define FS_Method, FTP_Base, FTP_Content_Dir, FTP_Plugin_Dir, FTP_User, FTP_Pass, FTP_Host, FTP_SSL setting file permissions to 755 on wp-content, wp-content/uploads, wp-content/plugins Things I do not have access to: cpanel,…

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