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importing csv to mysql database – how to read file with Polish characters? – Phpmyadmin

I have a csv file which it has a Polish characters too. The content of this is here: ID_WORKER;FNAME;LNAME;WORKERS_GROUP;POSITION; 1;Paweł;ĄąĆćĘꣳŃńÓ󌜏źŻż;IT;IT Specialist; 6;Dawid;ĄąĆćĘꣳŃńÓ󌜏źŻż;Technologists;Technologists; 8;Maciej;ĄąĆćĘꣳŃńÓ󌜏źŻż;Storekeepers;Storekeeper; As you see it has these characters like "Ąą Ćć Ęę Łł Ńń Óó Śś Źź Żż".…

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