Docker – Unreachable code when connecting to mongoDB
I am trying to dockerize my node.js app and it just won't work. I narrowed the point of error down to two lines, but I just can't get to the ground of the problem. I'll share my code if you…
I am trying to dockerize my node.js app and it just won't work. I narrowed the point of error down to two lines, but I just can't get to the ground of the problem. I'll share my code if you…
I try to execute a python when the container start. I use crontab in the container: crontab -l @reboot python3.10 /opt/django/ runserver But when I stop and start container with portainer the python didn't execute
I have a django docker container deployed on portainer. In, I specified the ip of where my database is hosted. For some reason it is always redirected to the ip of portainer's host machine. PS. I'm using nginx proxy…
Update when I run the command to the rejected service sudo docker ps --no-trunced SERVICE_NAME, I got the following: network sandbox join failed: subnet sandbox join failed for "": error creating vxlan interface: operation not supported. I checked from the…
As a summary: No commands exist in Busybox "sh" in a Portainer Docker container. Nuances, as always: There is a Portainer tool image I'd like to have shell access in. Why I need shell access there? It's because I'd like…
I've been using portainer to set up various docker containers and stacks. I recently set up a deluge container, which after being halfway through a large download, threw an error stating that there was no more space left on the…
I am on Ubuntu 22 have just installed Docker and Portainer, when I try to access it via IP:9000, I get a timeout message: "New Portainer installation Your Portainer instance timed out for security purposes. To re-enable your Portainer instance,…
I am pretty new for the topic server configuration and now I got a problem with to reach a container with ssl certificate. What is my setup: I've got a raspberry pi with docker on it. The container which is…
I need help pls! I'm trying to setup Nginx Proxy Manager with my docker container. I've been following this tutorial from YouTube! Putting it All Together - Docker, Docker-Compose, NGinx Proxy Manager, and Domain Routing - How To I created…
I am trying to deploy a 4 node cluster of ElasticSearch using the following docker compose in portainer 2.9.0 and docker 20.10.11: version: "3.8" x-master-opts: &master ES_JAVA_OPTS: "-Xmx2g -Xms2g" discovery.seed_resolver.timeout: 60s discovery.seed_hosts: master1,master2 cluster.initial_master_nodes: master1,master2 "false" x-data-opts:…