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how to overwrite data form link to another link in php

hello i want want to overwrite all peramters from old link to new link .. like $oldURl=""; $newUrl=""; // $fnialurl=rewrite_data($oldURl,$newUrl); final result i want .. you have any idea to get path & request from old url and replace…

VIEW QUESTION – After saving the data to the database once, it does not save the second one

I'm pretty new to this industry. This is the Create method in BaseRepository: public async Task CreateAsync(TEntity entity) { await _db.Set<TEntity>().AddAsync(entity); await _db.SaveChangesAsync(); } This is the Create method inside the UserService class. public ResultService<UserCreateDTO> Create(UserCreateVM userCreateVM) { ResultService<UserCreateDTO> result…


In Laravel how do I show a full page? It is only showing a part of a view

We have a simple search/list form built into the Home page: <form id ="search-by-country" method='post' action='/alphabetical-list'> <!-- Include the CSRF token --> @csrf <select name="country_id" id="country_id"> <option value="US">United States</option> <option value="FR">France</option> <option value="DE">Germany</option> <option value="JP">Japan</option> </select> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-darkorange">Submit</button>…


Laravel – The POST method is not supported for route admin/bill. Supported methods: GET, HEAD

In Laravel i use ajax for adding and fetching data from MySQL Database through blade template, i have add form summation on onsubmit event. Please Help me. My codes are. Route.php Route::get('admin/bill',[BillingController::class, 'bill'])->name('billing'); Route::post('admin/billing/add',[BillingController::class, 'billadd'])->name('admin.bill.add'); Controller.php public function billadd(Request $request){…

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