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got multiple values for argument 'schema' – Postgresql

self.engine=create_engine("postgresql://postgres:12345@localhost/postgres") self.con = self.engine.connect() self.conn.autocommit = True self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() df.to_sql(symbol, schema='xxx', con=self.con, if_exists='append', index=False) df.to_sql(symbol, con=self.con, if_exists='append', index=False) I am getting this error in both cases while adding the dataframe to the postgre sql database meta = MetaData(self.connectable, schema=schema)…


How to add percentages to an output – Postgresql

I would like to add a relative percentage to an SQL output Here is the code: SELECT customer_status.status AS "Status of Customer", COUNT (customer_bio), FROM customer_status JOIN customer_bio ON customer_status.status_id=customer_bio.status_id GROUP BY status Here is the output Status Number Switched…

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