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Postgresql – Error calling procedure in posgres "No procedure matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts."

CREATE or replace PROCEDURE mytransactions (n_transactions_id VARCHAR, n_transaction_amount SMALLINT, n_transaction_date TIMESTAMP, n_Delivery_date Date, n_customer_id VARCHAR, n_product_id VARCHAR, n_store_id VARCHAR) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $BODY$ BEGIN INSERT INTO transactions (transactions_id, transaction_amount, transaction_date, Delivery_date, customer_id, product_id, store_id) VALUES (n_transactions_id, n_transaction_amount, n_transaction_date, n_Delivery_date, n_customer_id,…


removing duplicate values and null postgresql

with res as(select us.column,mg.column as status,count(mg.column) FROM Table_name1 it LEFT JOIN Table_name2 us on it.column=us.column LEFT JOIN Table_name3 mg on it.column=mg.column where it.column is not null and it.column in(5,6) and (it.column + '05:30:00'::INTERVAL)::date between '2022-08-28' and '2022-10-03' group by us.column,mg.column)…

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