PostgreSQL: Add Limit Parameter
In Oracle I can have an SQL string like this select * from table where rownum <= ? Then in an PreparedStatement I can set the rownum as a parameter. How does it work with Postgres JDBC (Java) with the…
In Oracle I can have an SQL string like this select * from table where rownum <= ? Then in an PreparedStatement I can set the rownum as a parameter. How does it work with Postgres JDBC (Java) with the…
I have the following table: ┌────────────────┬─────────────────────────────┬───────────┬──────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Column │ Type │ Collation │ Nullable │ Default │ ├────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┼───────────┼──────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ id │ bigint │ │ not null │ nextval('"HistoricalDataAggregatorWorkOrders_id_seq"'::regclass) ││ │ inputTimeRange │ tstzrange │ │ not null │ │ │…
I have a table which contains approximately 100,000 records, I did a SELECT to obtain the total number of records because it can vary, I need to consult the table and obtain all the records of 4 specific fields(nombre, apellido,…
I do not know why this isn't working. Is it something about using parameters in the query twice? Using PHP 7.4.33, Postgres PostgreSQL 9.6.22. Error is: Warning: pg_query_params(): Query failed: ERROR: inconsistent types deduced for parameter $2 LINE 11: ,…
I have a simple stored procedure: DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `findUserByName`(IN `name` VARCHAR(36)) BEGIN set @name = name; PREPARE findStmt FROM 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE name=?'; EXECUTE findStmt USING @name; END$$ I call it in PHP with the prepare…
I have 9 fields to my user interface , each one is representing a column in my database table. So the problem is that i need to cover all the possible combinations of the 9 fields and send specific queries…
I want to make a prepared statement for a query that takes a number and calculates an interval. Something along these lines: SELECT col FROM t1 WHERE createtime < (NOW() - INTERVAL ? DAY) However, this doesn't work, because the…
I use concatenation to prepare a query string with parameter values When I use single quotes: p_ReqStr_old := ' with prm as ( select 1::int4 as id, ' || ' to_timestamp(''' || to_char(p_BegRepDate, 'DD.MM.YYYY') || ''',''DD.MM.YYYY'')::timestamp as p_BegDate, to_timestamp(''' ||…
I have two separate tables each will input the form data into the phpmyadmin Db respectively. Users and Parents respectively I am using procedural PHP and a prepared statement for form data. I have had success with each form inserting…
Apart from checking that the attributeId is in a list of predefined strings – possible, but in this particular case costly – is there any way to re-write this in a less 'injectable' fashion (since the use of '${attributeId}' is…